Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pool Game ( Cahier 8 / New-York )

Martha had the wonderful idea to organize her wedding's night in an old gentlemen club of New York.
We had a lot of fun, and Gabriel especially enjoyed A LOT the pool table.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Deers ( Cahier 8 / Yosemite )

Since I am a little girl I am hoping to see those famous deers, supposed to cross the road anytime in every possible forest.
Never happened, until this winter, in Yosemite park. I was petrified ! Actually it turned out that this park is filled with deers,
and we saw so many of them crossing the road that it killed the fun. Next time , I'm hoping for a bear.

Appaloosa ( Cahier 8 / Mandeville Canyon L.A )

Visiting a house in Mandeville Canyon (a zoning that allows horses) I saw my first Appaloosa,
originally from the native Indians Nez Perce. All those spots ! Beautiful.